How to Roll a Panama Hat
Many people ask the question of how to roll a Panama Hat. Our first response "you can certainly roll them" -- followed by "do you really want to do it?"

Panama hats are made of natural fibers of "Paja Toquilla", adding that, these are woven completely by hand. To put things in perspective, Panama Hats are considered the “KINGS OF STRAW HATS”. For instance, would you roll up and throw an Armani suit into a piece of luggage? I wouldn’t. They should be cared for properly to keep them from wearing off and looking great for a long time.
When you roll up a Panama Hat repeatedly, the potential to deform the shape increases. After all, we know some of you love a Panama that could roll up. We could see the convenience that comes of that. All things considered, these are matters of personal style and functionality. Some like to gain that vintage look as their Panama gets the wear and tear that comes from owning one. For those of you that want to roll up, your Panama Hat here are some tips. Keep in mind that you are doing this at your own risk:
1. Do not roll if the hat is too dry
The first thing to remember, if your hat is too dry it is not recommended to roll it as it could strain the fibers of the hat and they could potentially break. If this is the case, take a soft white towel and moisten it. Place it over your hat for it to absorb the moisture for a few minutes.
Another option you can consider is using a steam machine or boil some water to hold the hat over the steam. In time your hat will moisten to make it softer and easier to roll.
2. Roll the hat, do not fold
The hat may be rolled carefully, never folded. Place one hand inside at the center of the hat and push the crown outwards. At this point make sure to push all the brims downward and flatten the hat gently.
3. Form a cone shape
By gently rolling the hat from one side to the other, form a cone-like shape. We certainly don't recommend pressing on it or string the roll once it's rolled. By doing so, you can further strain the natural fibers.
4. Store with care
Your rolled Panama Hat is ready to be conveniently placed in your luggage or pocket. Keep in mind, try to give your Panama Hat some breathing room to avoid any further straining.
If you want to see a detail video of how to roll a panama hat click here.