Panama Hats Guide: Tips to Know When Buying One

Are you considering buying a Panama hat but aren't sure where to start? This is the Panama hats guide for you.

  • Learn about the history of the Panama Hat - understand why they're so popular and where they all started
  • Discover what type of fibers are used in the making of a Panama Hat
  • Understand how to recognize quality and learn how to spot a fake
  • Get tips on selecting the right size, shape, brim size, color, and style based on your preference

By following this guide and learning more about Panama hats, you'll be able to find the perfect choice for your needs. Let's get started!

What is a Panama Hat?

The Panama Hat has been a popular choice among stylish gentlemen (and ladies!) since the 1700s. The hat originated in Ecuador, where locals have been hand-weaving them with soft, lightweight fibers for centuries. Its popularity quickly spread to nearby countries like Peru and Colombia, and eventually made its way to Europe sometime in the mid-1800s.

Besides their practicality and comfort, Panama Hats are perhaps best known for their stylishness. It provides excellent sun protection while still looking sharp and sophisticated. Moreover, there are plenty of colors available to choose from—ranging from neutral colors like beige or brown to more vivid colors like blue or red—which means that your new Panama Hat can easily match any style.

In recent years, the popularity of Panama Hats has skyrocketed among celebrities, politicians, and high-profile figures worldwide due to their timeless style. No matter what season it is or what fashion trend is on - you can always rely on a classic Panama Hat as an instant wardrobe essential that will never go out of style. So if you're looking for something timeless - the Panama Hat may be just the thing for you!

What type of fibers are used in the making of a Panama Hat?

Panama Hats are traditionally crafted from toquilla straw because of their unique properties. This lightweight and breathable material is renowned for its strength and flexibility, making it the perfect choice for hats in hot climates. The lightness of the toquilla straw helps keep the head cool, while the strength allows the hat to retain its shape. Additionally, the flexibility of this material allows for shaping the hat into different forms without compromising its structure or look.

The construction of a Panama Hat requires considerable skill and precision as each weave must be carefully crafted by hand. Toquilla straw can be surprisingly resilient once woven together in a hat, so it can last through multiple wearings and keep you looking stylish.

How to look for the best quality

It is important to understand the quality of a Panama Hat before making a purchase. Toquilla straw is the traditional material used for Panama Hats and it should be thick, yet light and flexible. A good quality hat should also be evenly woven together with tight interlocking strands and spaced evenly throughout.

There are some ways to spot counterfeit Panama Hats as well. If the price tag seems too good to be true, that’s usually a good sign that it's not made from genuine toquilla straw. Imitations may have visible defects such as holes in the weave or unevenness in their pattern which can easily give away their poor quality. Here is a bit more about how to spot a fake Panama Hat.

In summary, genuine Panama Hats are made with high-quality toquilla straw and they should have a level of flexibility and evenness when it comes to their weave. Be wary of counterfeits with suspicious prices or less-than-ideal conditions such as visible defects or inconsistencies.

Know your head shape

There are several head shapes and, when buying hats, knowing your own is of tremendous help. On the other hand, If you don't, don't be afraid. I'm here for you. Here are the most common head shapes: round, oval, square, diamond, oblong, and triangular.

Round shape: The title certainly gives the description away. Keep in mind, you could weigh 105 lbs, and still, you could have a round face. Round doesn't mean overweight.

Oval shape: In short, long, and narrow.

Square: From the jaw to the forehead is all about the angles. A 90 degrees jaw, a 90 degrees forehead. Symmetry all around the face.

Diamond shape: Long and narrow but with a pointy chin.

Oblong Shape: My favorite, and I'll let you guess why. This one comes with a "big forehead."

Triangle: Wide at the base. Meaning: big jaw.

How to buy the right Panama Hat style

As you may already know, the weave count is what sets how fine a Panama Hat is. This could get complex so we can talk about this in a different article, for now, let's just attribute weave fineness to quality.

For style, let's keep it short and sweet. Three features characterized Panama Hat styles. Crown shape, brim size, and color. As an example, the most popular authentic Panama Hat style is the classic fedora with a short and wide brim, generally of white and natural color.

Fortunately, we know everyone has their own sense of style, and for that, we count on a wide range of Panama Hat styles for you to choose to give every style the chance to thrive.

Lastly; It never hurts to measure your head. In case you were wondering how to measure your head, here it is.

We hope this Panama Hats guide will help you make an educated decision when buying your next hat. If you do have any questions, feel free to contact us below.

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